I went to the shop and I brought?

Children in Toddler Plus had lots of fun taking it in turns to be the shopkeeper. Children looked what was on the shelf of the shop and asked "How many pennies" , the shopkeeper replied 10 pennies. On the desk of the shop children noticed the images of coins with numbers on, they referred to these when children asked how much the item of food was. Practitioners found the children some shopping baskets and asked them to buy them some items of shopping from the shop. The queue at the shop was getting longer by the minute, however the children waited patiently for their turn. Playing shops enabled children to play alongside other children and use props to support their play, they relished in collecting practitioners shopping lists and more importantly it provided language opportunties between all peers.Throughout the morning children used their imagination and extended their play, they found the dolly's and soft toys and pretended to make them a cup of tea. Practitioners observed the children during play and joined in when they felt necessary,  it was an ideal opportunity to stand back and watch the children role playing together as a group and note the children's next steps of learning. 


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