Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Singing songs with the babies at Daisykins nursery in Rugby is incorporated into our everyday daily practice, visual aids are used to support songs it also aids children concentration skills. We believe that singing nursery rhymes with a familiar melody or tune can help develop children's language skills.

As we are know that Parents/carers work long hours and by the time it's home time children are sometimes tired and tea needs preparing, however finding just five minutes in the evening to sing to your child can benefits their language development. Singing songs just before bedtime is a fantastic way to help children to feel calm and relaxed, it also introduces a bedtime routine for children as they are able to establish and differentiate the times of day.

Babies from an early age absorb words but not necessarily use these in vocalising until later on. this is why here at Daisykins we use songs and rhymes during our everyday practice, nappy changes and feeding times are a time where songs are used to enhance the children's learning opportunities for example practitioners sing Head Shoulders Knees and Toes during nappy changes to teach the children the names of the body


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