Pre-School Minors Make Flapjacks for Macmillan Coffee Morning

On Friday 27th September 2019, Daisykins Day Nursery in Rugby held an Autumn Parent/Carer Macmillan Coffee Morning. In order to have a cake sale, there needed to be cakes to sell, so Pre-School Minors set to the task!

Deciding to make flapjacks, the children got the ingredients out of the bag, ready to start baking. The practitioners asked the children what the name of each ingredient was and why they needed to use it. This sparked great conversation about different textures!

Once everything was lay on the table ready, the children listened attentively to the first instruction. The practitioners explained that they didn't want the flapjack to stick to the tray, so they needed to put something on it first. The children were asked which ingredient they thought they should use, with one child correctly suggesting to use the butter. The practitioners couldn't help but smile when the reason the child gave for using butter was "Because that's what Mummy does because she likes butter".

After discussing how the butter would help to prevent the flapjack from sticking to the tray, the children began measuring out the ingredients into the mixing bowl. Each child took it in turns to scoop a spoonful of rolled oats from the packet into the bowl, before then waiting patiently for their turn to add a scoop of butter.

After adding the rolled oats and butter, the children added the golden syrup, raisins and soft brown sugar. Before long it was time to use their strong muscles to mix the ingredients together. Once combined and made into a mixture, the children each had a turn in scooping the flapjack into the baking tray.

The children filled the tray with their delicious flapjack and one of the practitioners placed it in the oven to bake. We wonder if their scrumptious flapjacks were a popular choice at the Autumn Parent/Carer Macmillan Coffee Morning!


Pre-School Make Lemon Drizzle Cake for Macmillan Coffee Morning


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