Bathing your baby

Bath time can be a daunting experience for any new parent when your new born arrives home but following a few simple rules can make it a safe and enjoyable experience.The Bath There are many forms of baby baths that you can purchase that suit parents and child differently. You can purchase specially designed plastic baby baths which are perfect for bathing your baby until they are around five months old. These baby baths sometimes fit over the sides of the bath and can then be filled using the bath taps, if your baby bath doesn’t fit on the sides  there are different alternatives. Babies’ skin is very sensitive and some bubble baths and soaps can irritate their skin so warm water is adequate.  It is also important to get the temperature of the bath correct and many shops sell baby bath thermometers. If you do not wish to purchase a thermometer dip your elbow into the water making sure it feels warm not hot. Be organised with bath time ensuring you have everything you need ready and in reach. Your baby should never be left unattended.Washing HairTo ensure your baby doesn't get too cold and to keep them as safe as possible it is recommended that you wash the hair first. Wrap your baby in a towel and hold them securely under you arm pit placing the baby’s body along your forearm. Now hold your baby over the bath and use your hand to gently wash the hair. You may then use shampoo if you wish however it is not necessary. Once the hair is wash pat the hair dry to prevent your baby getting coldWashing your babyWhen bathing your baby it is important that you remember to support the head and shoulders. For this use one hand using your fingers to hold your baby under the armpit. Wash your baby ensuring you wash in between all your babies’ creases and folds. Again you may use soap if you wish however it is not necessary. After you have finished washing your baby carefully take them out of the baby and place them straight onto a clean dry towel. Pat your baby dry all over and dress quickly to avoid them getting cold.


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