Three little ducks went swimming one day

This song supports many areas of children's development, as it involves numbers and actions,it is great for children of all ages from babies  to pre-school. It allows the children to develop an initial awareness of numbers by using fingers or props to count down as the ducks disappear one by one. Through using actions or props, a greater understanding of mathematical language is achieved. The words being sang can be expressed through action, giving children with a limited understanding of English or English as an additional language visual aids. Due to the repetitive nature of the song the children quickly pick up the actions alongside the words. All the children will be keen to join in and have so much fun they do not realise that they are exercising their mathematical and literacy skills. This song is always a big hit with the children in our baby plus room as 'Duck' is a very popular word that many children find easy to say and ducks in the water tray are always the first objects to be out and then carried around all day. 


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