Meet Benjamin and Peter our rabbits

Children from nursery are fascinated by our two white soft fluffy bunnies that have joined our nursery. The rabbits new home was placed outside, straw and sawdust was added to keep them nice and warm. As the children saw the rabbit hutch being brought into the garden you can could see them thinking are we getting  a rabbit, to their surprise they were right.On the day of the arrival of the rabbits the children waited in the garden and they were so happy to see the two fluffy rabbits being placed on the decking, a few minutes later the rabbits were  hopping around the decking area. Children from all ages toddled up to the rabbits and with practitioners nearby they were able to stroke the rabbits. Practitioners talked to the children about how they must be careful around the rabbits as they are are living creatures.For a short period of time the rabbits remained unnamed until a group of toddlers starting singing and using actions to Peter Rabbits got a fly upon his nose, so how could we not name one Peter and then children from Great dais Pre School requested we call the other one Benjamin from the tale Peter Rabbit.Children daily pop out to feed and see the rabbits they watch through the hutch as the rabbits have a nibble on their carrots. Having these rabbits at nursery has enabled children to develop the understanding of how to care for living creatures and learn about the features of rabbits.Since having them at nursery children have now got rabbits as pets at home. 


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