Body Painting in Baby Room

Body Painting at Daisykins Nursery

The babies at Daisykins Nursery have been recently learning about body parts. They have been singing ‘Head, shoulders, knees and toes’ and 'Tommy Thumb'. Following on from singing, the practitioners set up a messy painting activity for the babies to explore different colours and textures using their whole bodies.The babies crawled and walked their way through the paint, creating various marks on their travels. They smiled with excitement as they rolled around in the paint, covering their legs, tummies and arms. The babies were content for a considerable amount of time, making marks on the paper using rollers and paint brushes. The practitioners encouraged the babies to move around and mix the colours together, providing opportunities to talk about colour mixing.[ngg src="galleries" ids="250" display="basic_slideshow"]Not only was this a fun sensory experience, but it also allowed the babies to play alongside others, developing their Personal, Social and Emotional Development. The babies used their gross motors skills to manoeuvre themselves around. Practitioners also participated in the activity by running their hands through the paint and talking to the babies about the texture of the paint.Children of all ages love painting activities and experiences. This activity is perfect for babies to get messy and embrace the enjoyment of painting their bodies. Providing open-ended fun sensory activities is something that children at Daisykins Nursery regularly participate in with excitement.


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